How Code was Managed before Git Version Control?

April 14, 2024 / 10 mins read
Code management before git

Version control systems play a crucial role in the software development process, enabling developers to track changes, collaborate effectively, and manage codebases efficiently. While Git has become the de facto standard for version control in modern software development, there were various approaches used to manage code before Git's introduction.
In this article, we will explore the methods employed in code management before the advent of Git and understand the challenges they presented.

Introduction to Version Control Systems

Version control systems are tools that track changes made to files over time. They allow developers to work collaboratively, maintain a history of code changes, and revert to previous versions when necessary. Before the emergence of modern distributed version control systems like Git, developers relied on different techniques to manage code.

The Need for Code Management

Effective code management is essential for several reasons. It enables multiple developers to work on the same codebase simultaneously, keeps track of changes made by each individual, facilitates collaboration, and provides a safety net in case errors or bugs are introduced.
Without proper code management, it becomes challenging to maintain code quality, track changes accurately, and ensure a smooth development workflow.

Early Approaches to Code Management

In the early days of software development, one rudimentary method of code management was manual file backups. Developers would create copies of their code files and store them in different directories or physical media, such as floppy disks or CDs.
While this approach provided a form of versioning, it was cumbersome, error-prone, and lacked the ability to easily track changes or collaborate.

Local Versioning

As software development advanced, developers started using local versioning systems. These systems allowed them to create different versions of their code by making copies or using incremental file naming conventions (e.g., "," "").
While this approach improved the ability to track changes, it still lacked collaboration features and efficient management of concurrent modifications.

Centralized Version Control Systems

The introduction of centralized version control systems (CVCS) brought significant improvements to code management. One such system was Concurrent Versions System (CVS), which allowed multiple developers to work on the same codebase concurrently. CVS utilized a central repository where developers would commit their changes, facilitating collaboration and offering a history of changes made.

Concurrent Versions System (CVS)

CVS, introduced in the 1980s, was one of the most popular version control systems before the advent of Git. It offered a centralized approach to code management, where developers would check out files from a central repository, make changes locally, and then commit those changes back to the repository. While CVS improved collaboration and version tracking compared to earlier methods, it had limitations.
For example, it struggled with branching and merging, and repositories could become unstable when handling large-scale projects.

Subversion (SVN)

Another significant advancement in code management before Git was the introduction of Subversion (SVN). SVN built upon the concepts of CVS and aimed to address some of its limitations. It provided better support for branching, merging, and version tracking.
However, like CVS, SVN still relied on a centralized architecture, which presented challenges when collaborating on large-scale projects or working remotely.

Other Pre-Git Version Control Systems

Apart from CVS and SVN, there were other version control systems that gained popularity before Git emerged. Mercurial (Hg) was a distributed version control system similar to Git, offering improved performance and scalability compared to CVS and SVN.
Perforce was another centralized version control system that excelled in handling large-scale projects but required commercial licensing.

Conclusion: The Evolution of Code Management Systems

Code management has come a long way from manual backups to modern distributed version control systems like Git. While early approaches to code management provided some form of versioning, they lacked the robust collaboration, concurrency, and efficiency that Git offers.
Git revolutionized code management by introducing a distributed architecture, superior branching and merging capabilities, and seamless collaboration among developers


Code Management Before Git

Source Management