How to get API Key and Client Id from Hello Sign ?

April 14, 2024 / 10 mins read
API key and client ID on hello sign

In this article we are going to see how to get client Id and API key from the Hello sign i.e. DropBox Sign Procedure will be same for Free plan and paid plans.

Create account on Hello Sign (DropBox Sign)

First of all you need to create account inorder to create API ket and client ID.
Go to Hello Sign and create account by entering your email or you can use other options like Google.
Once you logged in you will see the below page. Which contains all the information about documents, their status and other stuff.

1. How to get API key for Hello Sign ?

Hello sign Dashboard
  • Just click on the API section which you can see on left side. After clicking on API you will see section related to API. on that page you will see Generate Key button.
  • Click on that Generate Key button and it will ask you to enter name for API Key.
  • Enter name for API key and Click on Generate button. It will generate the API key for you. You can create many API keys as you want.
  • It will process and give you API key. From here you can copy API key and use it in your integration.

2. How to get Client ID for Hello Sign ?

  • At bottom of page you will see API Apps title. Inorder to obtain client ID you need to create App.
  • This app means from where you want to use Hello sign. You can domain and other details so that Hello sign will allow only those requests which are coming from given domain. (There is also way that you can skip the domain verification if request coming from another domain)
  • Fill details in pop up and click on Create Application button. It will create API app for you. This app need approval inorder use Production features. But you can use that feature by using this credentials in Test mode for developement.
  • And you got client Id too for you app. So can use at time of creating signature request or at time of embedding in frontend.
  • As shown in below image you will get API key and Client ID.
Hello sign Dashboard

Hello Sign

DropBox Sign

API key